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LATEST2 - Light Alloys Towards Environmentally Sustainable Transport 2

Opportunites to Engage with LATEST2

Opportunites for Industry and Academia

The LATEST2 team is committed to establishing and building long-term strategic partnerships with leading industrial and other research institutions. We believe in creating mutually beneficial collaborations that provide access to research facilities and expertise for industry together with opportunities to work on real-world problems in the transport sector for academics. Collaboration also enhances our capacity to educate and train the next generation of researchers and highly skilled, knowledgeable professionals for industry.

The LATEST2 multidisciplinary research team is drawn from the School of Material’s Corrosion and Protection, Materials Science and the Materials Performance Centres. Collectively the team has extensive experience of processing, modelling, microstructure and texture control, surface engineering, corrosion control, joining and forming of light alloys and related materials for transport applications. Supported by an extensive suite of state-of-the-art facilities, the team can respond rapidly to new innovations and industry needs and is supported by colleagues within the School of Materials, enabling new expertise to be drawn in as required.

Your company or institution could become a partner in the LATEST2 research and benefit by taking advantage of the expertise available in the university and its partners.

Sponsor a LATEST2 Student

Your company could take the opportunity to work with experienced graduates who can provide cutting edge research focused on your business needs. By sponsoring a LATEST2 student you would have the opportunity to fund the work of an exceptional student and to encourage research relevant to your industry. The LATEST2 team of Investigators will work with you to match a student with the appropriate skills and interest in your specific industry sector.

You have the option to sponsor a full PhD or a Masters student through their course or to sponsor a dissertation project, lasting five months, during which time an MSc student will carry out academic research on a specific project in your business.

Sponsor a LATEST2 Postdoctoral Researcher

Your company could take the opportunity to work with an experienced Postdoctoral Researcher who can provide cutting edge research focused on your business needs. By sponsoring a LATEST2 Postdoctoral Researcher you would have the opportunity to fund the work of an exceptional researcher and to encourage research relevant to your industry. The LATEST2 team of Investigators will work with you to match a suitable Postdoctoral Researcher with the appropriate skills and expertise in your specific research sector.

LATEST2 Collaborative Research Project

Your company or academic institution could enter into collaborative research with LATEST2, working together on a specific project. Such a collaborative project would combine the expertise of your company or academic institution with that of the LATEST2 team to benefit both parties. Various funding streams may be available to support collaborative research projects and we can provide guidance on tapping into suitable funding streams.


In all cases your company will be acknowledged on the LATEST2 website and other promotional literature.

Opportunities for Schools

The LATEST2 team place significant emphasis on visiting schools and welcoming schools to come and visit us, with our researchers and experts giving talks and running workshops which present a wide range of materials issues. Members of LATEST2 have also been invited to give talks to school teachers, pupils and the general public at a variety of events.

Schools from across the country visit The University of Manchester to find out more about future opportunities in science and engineering. Young visitors can explore their potential during engineering open days or gets hands-on experience through initiatives such as the Engineering Development Trust (EDT) 'Headstart' course. In addition a four-day LATEST2 Materials Engineering Residential Summer School is run annually for GCSE students interested in science and engineering who want to have a taste of university life.

If you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities or finding out a little more then please contact us via e-mail